12. Marble Run

Through circular design, students use everyday objects to design, build, and test various mechanisms with the aim of learning about the transformation between “potential energy” and “kinetic energy”.


.Marble runs slow

.Marble takes a sharp turn

.Marble run challenges

Targets: Students aged 10 or above


  1. The Advanced Environmental courses are target to provide life-wide learning experiences for students to know more about our natural resources and the importance of environmental conservation in Hong Kong. During the course.
  2. During the course, students' common knowledge on nature and astronomy will be strengthened.
  3. By using the inquiry learning approach, the course will also emphasize students' creativity, analytical skills, problem solving, and communication skills.

Target: Students aged 6 or above

Number of Participants: Maximum 40 students per session

Duration: Approximate 2.5 hours per session (9:30am -12:00nn or 2:00pm -4:30pm)

Charge: Free of charge (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen Education Service Fund).

Remarks: Application for each school cannot be more than 6 courses.

Application: All schools in Hong Kong will receive a course registration notification letter in late August each year so that they can apply for the courses of the following year.