

東涌東海濱長廊是將臨時工地改為休憩用地的例子,快看看影片的介紹吧! 東涌社區聯絡中心及海濱長廊-更多內容請瀏覽: https://www.lantau.gov.hk/tc/communit… #東涌 #中秋節 #花燈節2022 #東涌東海濱長廊 #東涌社區聯絡中心 #地理 #geography #離島 #土地利用

2022中秋賞月時間 同場加演(11/9)「木星合月」

2022中秋賞月時間 同場加演(11/9)「木星合月」

去片: 中秋賞月攻略


月出 18:03
上中天 (仰角54°) 23:50
月落 翌日05:41
滿月 (月球在地平線以下) 17:59
月出 18:43
上中天 (仰角60°) 翌日00:40
月落 翌日06:43
月出 19:21
上中天 (仰角67°) 翌日01:28
月落 翌日07:41
月出 19:56
上中天 (仰角72°) 翌日02:15
月落 翌日08:39

2022.9.11 23:17 木星合月





一年容易又中秋! 立即睇睇2022年中秋賞月攻略,一片睇哂時間、方位、觀賞小貼士,仲有特別天象推介,預祝大家中秋節團圓美滿~~~

#中秋 #賞月 #木星合月

1. & 2. Eco Hunter (Junior & Senior)


1. Eco Hunter (Junior)

2. Eco Hunter (Senior)

Through inquiry learning approach, students are provided with an active learning platform to experience the processes of inquiry, investigation, discussion, summarization and reflection in a natural environment.


.Explore a plant sample in groups

.Investigate and collect samples in the nature environment

.Research and record

.Use reused materials to create a handicraft


Eco hunter 1 (Junior)

Targets: Students aged 6 or above

Eco hunter 2 (Senior)

Targets: Students aged 10 or above


  1. The Advanced Environmental courses are target to provide life-wide learning experiences for students to know more about our natural resources and the importance of environmental conservation in Hong Kong. During the course.
  2. During the course, students' common knowledge on nature and astronomy will be strengthened.
  3. By using the inquiry learning approach, the course will also emphasize students' creativity, analytical skills, problem solving, and communication skills.

Target: Students aged 6 or above

Number of Participants: Maximum 40 students per session

Duration: Approximate 2.5 hours per session (9:30am -12:00nn or 2:00pm -4:30pm)

Charge: Free of charge (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen Education Service Fund).

Remarks: Application for each school cannot be more than 6 courses.

Application: All schools in Hong Kong will receive a course registration notification letter in late August each year so that they can apply for the courses of the following year.













今次等可觀小隊帶住大家去位於新界東北嘅荔枝窩! 荔枝窩係歷史最悠久同保存最完好嘅客家圍村之一。 幾百年嚟,村莊四周嘅自然環境得到良好嘅保護 所以生態環境類型豐富 包括有風水林、淡水溪流、農地、紅樹林等 咁多樣化嘅自然環境養育著大量生物! 一齊嚟考察山旮旯!探索呢度嘅生態啦! #山旮旯 #香港真係好靚 #荔枝窩

Outreach Astronomy Programmes

Outreach Astronomy Programmes

HKNEAC also organizes outreach astronomy activities at schools. In addition to giving lectures on astronomy to students, HKNEAC also brings a number of astronomical telescopes and a digital three-dimensional Astronomical Centre to the school, allowing students to access astronomical instruments and conduct astronomical observations on the campus.

For further details, please contact us at 2413 7122 or email astronomy@hokoon.edu.hk for inquiries.


abc 可觀中心的生態花園面積雖小,但除了是生物理想的棲息地,更是學生認識自然生態的好地方。 #生態花園 #生態 #原生植物

Astronomy Courses: 13. Our Solar System & 14. Telescope - Reaching for Stars

Astronomy Courses:

13. Our Solar System

Through the activities of sun observation by using solar filter and simulating the equipments of star lab, students will learn about the solar system and space. The course will also increase their awareness of light pollution and environmental conservation.


.Knowing our solar system

.Sun observation

.Simulating star lab to explore the universe

.DIY Sundial and other astronomy models

Targets: Students aged 10 or above

14. Telescope – Reaching for Stars

Through practical activities, students would learn the theories and applications of telescopes and experience the operation of professional astronomical telescope. While focusing on the importance of telescopes in the astronomy development history, this course would also nurture students’ attitude to exploring the truth via scientific methods.


.Knowing more about telescopes

.Practicing telescopic observation

.Visiting the Professional Computer Telescope (with 0.5 aperture)

.DIY telescope and other astronomy models

Targets: Students aged 10 or above


  1. The Advanced Environmental courses are target to provide life-wide learning experiences for students to know more about our natural resources and the importance of environmental conservation in Hong Kong. During the course.
  2. During the course, students' common knowledge on nature and astronomy will be strengthened.
  3. By using the inquiry learning approach, the course will also emphasize students' creativity, analytical skills, problem solving, and communication skills.

Number of Participants: Maximum 40 students per session

Duration: Approximate 2.5 hours per session (9:30am -12:00nn or 2:00pm -4:30pm)

Charge: Free of charge (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen Education Service Fund).

Remarks: Application for each school cannot be more than 6 courses.

Application: All schools in Hong Kong will receive a course registration notification letter in late August each year so that they can apply for the courses of the following year.

Introduction to Astronomy Course

Astronomy is the most ancient yet advanced science. Nowadays, with cutting-edge technology and the most profound theories, astronomy has become the most important and valuable knowledge of human civilization. Promoting astronomy education has always been an important educational goal of HKNEAC, where tens of thousands of students and the public have experienced the joy of learning astronomy over the years. HKNEAC houses a 0.5m reflecting telescope in the 6m dome, which was the biggest telescope in Southeast Asia. Since its inception more than ten years ago, HKNEAC has been equipped with a large number of astronomical facilities, making it an ideal place for students to engage in astronomical activities and take astronomy courses.

HKNEAC mainly provides a variety of astronomy education courses for the academic community, outreaching astronomy exhibitions in schools, and astronomy training for teachers.

The Centre also accepts applications from NGOs for evening stargazing activities. For further details, please contact us at 2413 7122 or email astronomy@hokoon.edu.hk for inquiries.

Targets: All primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong

Number of Participants: Maximum 40 participants in each session

Senior Secondary Astronomy Course

Astronomical observation is the most basic and important part of learning astronomy. In conjunction with “Astronomy and Space Science”, one of the elective course of Senior Secondary Physics, this course aims to use the favourable environment and astronomical facilities of HKNEAC to enable students to conduct various astronomical observations, practice the use of astronomical instruments, and apply astronomical knowledge and skills to their daily lives. The high school astronomy curriculum features 3 different themes, including solar observation, celestial sphere concepts, and telescope workshops.


Stargazing and Astronomical Activities

Schools or NGOs may apply to HKNEAC for daytime or nighttime stargazing and astronomical activities, including lectures, astronomical observations, visits to the telescope and planetarium. Through easy-to-understand content, the activities allow participants to learn about constellations, the solar system and the universe, and share fun facts about astronomy with the students. Under the guidance of an instructor, the participants brought the starry sky closer to themselves by operating different kinds of astronomical telescopes.


Astronomy course for field study

HKNEAC provides field study courses for Senior Secondary Biology or Geography students every year. In addition, HKNEAC will provide an evening Astronomy course for students participating in field study courses. Since students have limited opportunities to get in touch with astronomy on campus, HKNEAC will add astronomical activities to students’ field study courses to give students a taste of stargazing.